Swap Meet
Now firmly established as a permanent fixture in the VHRA calendar, the VHRA Swap Meet will once again be at the 1940s Camp in Ramsey, Cambridgeshire. It’s a wartime army base that is under restoration, which serves as an excellent backdrop to the automobilia and Americana on sale and display at the event.
Trading and attending is open to members and non-members alike. All we ask is, if you are selling goods, they relate to traditional hot rods and customs, early Fords, vintage Americana or the lifestyle that goes along with it. If you’re trading from a pre-63 vehicle we’ll knock something off the price of the pitch. There’s no pre-entry, simply pay on the gate on the day, either as a trader or a shopper. As well as the Swap Meet, there will be a show area for historic vehicles of all kinds.
For those that want to arrive early, we’ll be throwing open the doors of the Drill Hall and the NAAFI on Saturday. Camping is available for an overnight stay and included in your pitch fee, which is convenient for an early start on Sunday. On Saturday night we’ll be playing some music, the bar will be open and food will be available. The NAAFI will be open on Sunday from breakfast onwards.
Whilst the VHRA are the host club, the event is in association with the Ford Model A and the Early Ford V8 Clubs. We thank them for their support.
Entry Conditions
Saturday gate opens at 3pm, and closes at 8pm. Only those purchasing two day entry will be allowed access. Two day entry includes camping and access to facilities overnight. Please note, electrical hook up is not available, nor are portable toilet waste facilities or showers. Strictly no trading before Sunday 9am. Sunday gate opens at 7am to traders, 9am to show vehicles and public. Please do not arrive ahead of these times as we may not be able to accommodate you and you may be charged the full weekend rate. No traders to arrive after 9am Sunday. No Saturday only entry and no discount on trader prices if you aren't camping/arriving Saturday. Only one discounted entry per member, unless other entrants have proof of individual membership. Additional traders must be in the same car as the lead trader. Children are free, but must be accompanied by an adult. Dogs on leads are welcome. No ground barbecues and please be sure to leave your camping and/or trading area clean and tidy on departure. Show area is open to pre-1963 vehicles only, later cars will be directed to public parking. Address of the venue is: The Camp, Wood Lane, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PE26 2XB.

Entry Prices:
No pre-entry, pay on the gate. Trader prices are for one person and include camping. Age 16 and under enter free of charge.
Members of VHRA, Ford Model A Club or Ford V8 Club.
Trader pre-63 vehicle: £20
Trader 1963 and up vehicle: £25
Trailer, (includes caravan for traders): £10
Saturday additional trader/non-trader: £10
Sunday additional trader: £5
Sunday Shopper (after 9am only): £5
Trader pre-63 vehicle: £25
Trader 1963 and up vehicle: £30
Trailer, (includes caravan for traders): £10
Saturday additional trader/non-trader: £12
Sunday additional trader: £7
Sunday Shopper (after 9am only): £7